
Test ID = 106

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1. (541) in a super elevated curve of more then 1° of curve, what is the usual treatment of the crown of the pavement around it?
    (A) the crown becomes concaved immediately at the beginning of the curve and continues to the end
    (B) the usual convex crown of the pavement is continued around the curve to provide a banking effort on the inner lane
    (C) the crown is gradually changed from a convex crown to a plane inclined surface in the middle of the curve
    (D) the crown is gradually changed from convex to concave in the middle of the super elevated curve.

2. (471) a surveyor staking a circular are 60 ft long finds that the plans show the curve has a degree of curve of two. The surveyor is about to calculate the length of the radius when the party chief tells him " it is simply 60 times 1 radian." Which of the following relationships correctly describes 1 radian?
    (A) 1 radian = 57°29'58"
    (B) 1 radian = 180°/ ?
    (C) 1 radian = ? / 3200 mils
    (D) 1 radian = ? / 360°

3. (472) a property owner over seas gets a hold of a his surveyor with instructions concerning a survey. One of the instructions stated " please be certain that the property has at least 7 hectares." What is a hectare?
    (A) a category of easements
    (B) a large shade tree with brown bark
    (C) a type of wood monument
    (D) a measure of area

4. (552) which of the following terms describes the third party, if a grantor and grantee are the closing stages of the transfer of real property in which a third party holds a grant that will be delivered only when all the conditions for the transfer are complete?
    (A) a dissesor
    (B) an escrow agent
    (C) a remainderman
    (D) a scrivener

5. (558) a revocable right in real property is known by which of the following?
    (A) a lien
    (B) a license
    (C) an escheat
    (D) an easement

diagram 380-385.GIF
6. (611) Which statement describes the best criterion for accepting monuments that are not called for in the description or on the plat?
    (A) a monument of common report
    (B) a monument that is near to the position of a corner
    (C) an uncalled-for monument set in accordance with an original survey
    (D) a monument set by a licensed land surveyor

7. (515) occupying point B at the easterly end of a line AB that bears S62°18'34"E, a deflection angle of 00°05'19" is turned to the left to point C. occupying point C, a deflection angle of 00°00'17" is turned to point D. what is the azimuth from north of line CD?
    (A) 27°36'41"
    (B) 207°36'24"
    (C) 297°36'24"
    (D) 117°36'24"

8. (501) what is the elevation of the PVI, PVT, and the midpoint of the long chord?
    (A) PVI=206.00 ft PVT=197.00 ft Chord midpoint=198.50 ft
    (B) PVI=260.00 ft PVT=170.00 ft Chord midpoint=185.00 ft
    (C) PVI=200.60 ft PVT=199.70 ft Chord midpoint=199.85 ft
    (D) PVI=222.20 ft PVT=188.90 ft Chord midpoint=190.80 ft

9. (507) a surveyor must stake a symmetrical vertical curve where an entering grade of +0.80% meets an existing grade of -0.40% at station 140+00, which has an elevation of 500.00 ft, the maximum allowable change in grade per 50.00 ft is -0.10%. what is the elevation of 142+00 on the vertical curve?
    (A) 498.80 ft
    (B) 499.20 ft
    (C) 398.30 ft
    (D) 499.10 ft

10. (475) while preparing a PPM (parts per million) on a EDM, you discover that the only chart available is calibrated in degrees Celsius. The thermometer indicates 72° Fahrenheit. What is the corresponding temperature in degrees Celsius?
    (A) 16° C
    (B) 92.2° C
    (C) 49.8° C
    (D) 22.2° C

diagram 233-235.GIF
11. (539) A cross-pan drainage structure is to be built on the roadway that follows the asymmetrical vertical curve illustrated. At what station should the pan be constructed?
    (A) 148+31.00
    (B) 150+57.33
    (C) 148+89.67
    (D) 146+15.50

diagram 55-57.GIF
12. (532) The curve shown is the southerly limit of a proposed right-of-way. The encroachment of the curve onto lot 10 is not acceptable, so the curve must be realigned, a compound curve will be constructed, both curves will be tangent to the northern boundary of lot 10. the first curve of the compound curve will begin at point 1, and point 3 will be its PI. What will be the radius of the first curve of the compound curve?
    (A) 47.35 ft
    (B) 31.00 ft
    (C) 49.44 ft
    (D) 52.33 ft

diagram 31-36.GIF
13. (528) The distance labeled 4 in the diagram is known by which of the following?
    (A) back tangent
    (B) semitangent
    (C) Radius
    (D) Both a and b

diagram 380-385.GIF
14. (608) How should the NW corner of lot 3 of Bueche's Addition be relocated?
    (A) at a proportioned distance on the line described by the iron pipe at the NE corner and the iron pipe at the NW corner of lot 1
    (B) at a distance of 80.00 ft measured along a line perpendicular to the north line of ZZ Street from the iron pipe at the SW corner of lot 3
    (C) at a distance of 80.00 ft from the iron pipe at the SW corner of lot 3 at a prorated distance between the iron pipes at the NE corner of lot 3 and the NW corner of lot 1
    (D) at a distance of 50.00 ft measured along the line from the iron pipe at the NE corner of lot 3 to the iron pipe at the NW corner of lot 1

15. (477) what is the sum of the following fractions of an inch? 1/8 in, 1/32 in, 15/32in, 3/4in, 3/16in
    (A) 23/32 in
    (B) 1 5/8 in
    (C) 1 in
    (D) 1 9/16 in

16. (605) what is the term used to describe a monument that sometimes cannot be considered proved or disproved which in such circumstances a monument may be accepted by reputation?
    (A) a reversionary monument
    (B) a monument of common report
    (C) a monument by informative evidence
    (D) a defective monument

17. (545) a spiral curve is best described by which as used in surveying?
    (A) a spiral curve is a loxodrome
    (B) a spiral curve is also known as a compound circular curve
    (C) a spiral curve is a hyperbolic curve in the horizontal plane
    (D) a spiral curve is a curve with a uniformly varying radius

18. (599) in which of the following situations may a licensed surveyor find such authority useful that a licensed surveyor may take testimony?
    (A) establishing the priority between two conflicting corner monuments
    (B) the establishment of the age of a fence
    (C) the drafting of a property line agreement between adjoining land owners
    (D) all the above

diagram 246-253.GIF
19. (551) Assume that the degree of curve of the circular portion of the arc is 8° and the length of the spiral curve is 583.54 ft. under these condition, what is the spiral angle 17?
    (A) 12°41'25"
    (B) 18°24'51"
    (C) 20°54'13"
    (D) 23°20'30"

20. (559) under which federal document does the state become the proprietor when the owner passes away without a will or a heir?
    (A) escheat
    (B) loquela
    (C) Escobedo rule
    (D) Massachusetts rule

21. (478) which of the two quadrants does cosine and secant are both positive?
    (A) the second and third quadrant
    (B) the first and second quadrant
    (C) the first and forth quadrant
    (D) the third and forth quadrant

22. (542) the meaning friction factor as used in the design of super elevated curves can best be described by which statement?
    (A) the friction factor is a variable value based on the impedance of a vehicle traveling around a super elevated curve and is used to calculate the length of the curve
    (B) the friction factor is a variable used to increase the extent of the transverse slope of a super elevated curve based on the centripetal force acting on the vehicle traveling around the curve
    (C) the friction factor is a variable used to reduce the super elevation of a curve to prevent a vehicle traveling around the curve from skidding inward.
    (D) the friction factor is a quantification of the centrifugal force acting on a vehicle traveling around a super elevated curve that is used to calculate the length of the curve

23. (597) how long must a given station be monitored, to accurately determine high tide?
    (A) one week
    (B) 19 years
    (C) 6 months
    (D) one year

24. (342) Which of the following map projections is used as the basis of state plane coordinate systems in the US?
    (A) Lambert projection
    (B) Oblique transverse mercator projection
    (C) Transverse mercator projection
    (D) All the above

25. (413) All deeds should be
    (A) Recorded
    (B) Signed
    (C) Notarized
    (D) All the above

26. (345) Monuments called for in a deed yield to?
    (A) Possession
    (B) Parol Evidence
    (C) Area
    (D) Distance

27. (380) Which of the following would best be described as cumulative zoning ?
    (A) Euclidian zoning
    (B) zoning with areas restricted soley to a single use
    (C) zoning with areas restricted to one use type plus any less intense use
    (D) inclusionary zoning

28. (399) A fundamental concept underlying the design of most vector based GIS is ________.
    (A) Separate storage of spatial and attribute data components.
    (B) The use of relational databases for all data storage.
    (C) The integration of CAD and network databases.
    (D) The use of four number scales for attribute data.

29. (444) Which of the following is a GIS produced map of topography involving a color sequence filling the spaces between contour lines and designed to illustrate variation?
    (A) Graduated symbol map
    (B) Hypsometric map
    (C) Area qualitative map
    (D) Choropleth map

30. (360) If actual damage to a property is anticipated what should be done before entering the property to perform a land survey of any property?
    (A) Contact the homeowner before entering and tell them what you will be doing.
    (B) Explain to the homeowner that state law permits surveyors to enter lands for the purpose of using survey monuments without delay the day of the survey.
    (C) Contact the homeowner and come to a mutual verbal agreement.
    (D) Get written consent from the homeowner prior to entering the property.

31. (369) The figure of the earth as a sea level surface perpendicular at every point to the plumb line is known as the?
    (A) Ellipsoid
    (B) Clarks Spheroid of 1866
    (C) Geophysical surface
    (D) Geoid

32. (368) In order to achieve the best possible horizontal accuracy, which of the following would be the most important with regard to the electronic distance measuring device used?
    (A) Know the exact atmospheric temperature and pressure.
    (B) Use an Isogometric Chart to figure residual correction in a given distance.
    (C) Use the umbrella to keep the sun off the instrument.
    (D) Avoid setting equipment underneath power lines.

33. (448) On a topographic map which of the following is correct
    (A) Contour lines crossing streams form V.s that point upstream
    (B) Contour lines crossing streams form V.s that point downstream
    (C) Contour lines crossing ridges form U.s that point up the ridge
    (D) Both a and c

34. (335) A description of land by the consecutive reference to courses and distances around its perimeter is _____________.
    (A) A bounds description.
    (B) An aliquot description.
    (C) A plat description.
    (D) A metes and bounds description.

35. (365) How many miles square in a typical Quadrangle?
    (A) 16
    (B) 24
    (C) 36
    (D) 42

36. (339) What sort of shutter is used on most aerial cameras?
    (A) Between the lens shutter
    (B) Capping shutter
    (C) Focal plane shutter
    (D) Louvre shutter

37. (373) Accuracy is most closely associated with?
    (A) the care used in making a measure ment
    (B) the refinement of quality of instrument construction
    (C) the repeatability of a measurement
    (D) how close a measurement is to the true value

38. (432) a state plane coordinate system differs from local plane systems in that:
    (A) Geodetic calculations must be made instead of plane calculations to determine positions.
    (B) Astronomic north coincides with grid north in state plane systems.
    (C) Distances are projected onto developable surfaces, such as cones and cylinders, rather than planes.
    (D) All grid meridian lines are parallel.

39. (334) What type of curve is used in conjunction with superelevation and high speed highway work?
    (A) Circular vertical curve
    (B) Vertical curve
    (C) Compound vertical curve
    (D) Transitional spiral curve

40. (347) What is the meaning of the word epoch as it applies to GPS?
    (A) A tabulation of the position of the GPS satellites.
    (B) The cable that connects the GPS antenna to the receiver.
    (C) An interval in time.
    (D) External Positioning Of Changing Heights

41. (441) A quitclaim deed does which of the following?
    (A) Passes title to mineral rights only.
    (B) Passes any title to land that the grantor may have.
    (C) Warrants a good and clear title.
    (D) Deeds excess acreage.

42. (389) Which of the following is a requirement for creation of an easement by prescription?
    (A) open and notorious use
    (B) continuous use
    (C) use for the statutory period
    (D) all the above

43. (460) What is a typical application of reciprocal leveling?
    (A) Establishing geodetic leveling along interstate highways
    (B) Establishing centerline profiles
    (C) Transferring elevations across rivers
    (D) Both a and c

44. (333) What is superelevation?
    (A) Another term used to describe compound vertical curves.
    (B) The practice of raising the outer edge of pavement.
    (C) The embankment of Earth above the angle of repose.
    (D) The gradual increase of the centerline radius of a curve along a roadway or a railway.

45. (319) To accurately determine mean high tide, how long must a given station be monitored?
    (A) 1 year
    (B) 19 years
    (C) 10 years
    (D) 12 years

46. (461) Which of the following is a method of minimizing error due to imperfect adjustment of a level?
    (A) Double rodding
    (B) 3 wire leveling
    (C) Using longer sight lengths
    (D) Balancing sight lengths

47. (293) a township is how many square miles?
    (A) 1
    (B) 4
    (C) 16
    (D) 36

48. (280) Given the following information what is the low point station of the vertical curve. G1 -2.0,G2 5.0, Beg Station 12+00, Beg El 259.63, VC length 650.00
    (A) 13+95.71
    (B) 13+62.61
    (C) 13+97.63
    (D) 13+85.71

49. (288) 20º Celsius is equal to what?
    (A) 68º Fahrenheit
    (B) 48º Fahrenheit
    (C) 78º Fahrenheit
    (D) 58º Fahrenheit

50. (263) If vertical photography is taken at a negative scale of 1:15,000, what would most nearly be the expected measurement on the photograph between to adjacent section corners?
    (A) 0.35 in
    (B) 1.8 in
    (C) 3.5 in
    (D) 4.2 in

51. (261) With a zenith angle of 96º37'25" what is the difference in elevation assuming both instrument and rod are the same Height at a distance of 87.39 feet.
    (A) 10.15
    (B) 10.69
    (C) 11.27
    (D) 11.28

52. (267) Write this equation "three times a number, plus the number cubed, minus the number multiplied by 97. Let b stand for the number referred to.
    (A) 3 x ( b + b³ ) -( 97 x b )
    (B) 3 x ( b + b³ ) - 97 x b
    (C) 3 x b + b ³ - 97 x b )
    (D) (3x b) + b³-( 97 x b )

53. (54) The azimuth from a point to a reference mark is 95°33'10" as measured from astronomic north. If the La Place convergence is disregarded and the convergence is +0°26'42", what is the state plane coordinate grid azimuth to the reference mark?
    (A) 95°06'28"
    (B) 95°59'20"
    (C) 95°19'49"
    (D) Due East

54. (224) A vertical line is one that is?
    (A) Perpendicular to the horizon at all points
    (B) Perpendicular to the direction of gravity at any point
    (C) Concentric with the surface of the earth
    (D) Affected by refraction of the earths atmosphere

55. (98) what is the grade of a section of highway that has a centerline elevation of 347.50 at station 45+40.00 and a centerline elevation 489.20 ft at a station of 63+87.40?
    (A) 7.65
    (B) 7.67
    (C) 7.69
    (D) 7.70

56. (177) The surveyor can play what roles in the law
    (A) Lay out boundaries in the original survey
    (B) Locate existing boundaries
    (C) Locate new boundaries
    (D) All the above

57. (234) The perimeter of a circle is 110 ft. You plan to put a fence around this circle with posts that are ten feet apart. How many fence posts are needed to complete this task
    (A) 11
    (B) 12
    (C) 9
    (D) 10

58. (183) Which of the following best describes reference monument?
    (A) The permanent objects which are the works of nature
    (B) An existing feature such as a stone, stake, tree, hill, ocean, river or lake
    (C) An accessory used where the permanent monument cannot be established
    (D) An adjoiner property called in a deed such as a street or particular parcel of land.

59. (103) which of the following calls would have the lowest priority in the event of a conflict in a deed description?
    (A) call for an adjoiner
    (B) call for distance
    (C) call for an artificial monument
    (D) call for a natural monument

60. (146) ) If vertical photography is taken at a negative scale of 1:15,000, what would most nearly be the expected measurement on the photograph between to adjacent section corners?
    (A) 0.35 in
    (B) 1.8 in
    (C) 3.5 in
    (D) 4.2 in

61. (148) Within a subdivision, which should prevail in determining current boundary lines?
    (A) distance as recorded on the original subdivision plat
    (B) direction as recorded on the original subdivision plat
    (C) area as recorded on the original subdivision plat
    (D) intent of the subdivider

62. (40) Which of the following lengths is equivalent to half a chain?
    (A) 34 ft
    (B) 50 ft
    (C) 50 links
    (D) 66 links

63. (207) Which of the following best describes the deepest or most navigable part of a river channel?
    (A) The thalweg
    (B) The thread
    (C) Mean high water mark
    (D) Mean water mark

64. (229) In what order should the following list appear for describing a piece of land. a) Lot or Parcel b) Block c) Tract d) City e) County or Parish f) State g) Map Recorded ( Book and Page) h) Public Office
    (A) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
    (B) h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a
    (C) a,c,b,e,d,f,g,h
    (D) g,c,b,e,d,f,a,h

65. (151) In GPS what does RMS stand for?
    (A) root mean square
    (B) radio mean signal
    (C) real mean static
    (D) radio measured signal

66. (37) Which best describes an area of 1 AC?
    (A) A rectangle 160 ft. by 280 ft
    (B) A rectangle 2 CH by 5CH
    (C) A square 210.71 ft on each side
    (D) A circle with a radius of 119.78 ft

67. (247) Which of the following agencies would be the most appropriate source for maps identifying areas with 100 year flood zones?
    (A) NOAA
    (B) Corps of Engineers
    (C) USGS
    (D) FEMA

68. (57) If the bearing of a tangent entering a highway curve to the right is N62°E and the interior angle of the curve is 19° what is the bearing of the tangent out of the curve?
    (A) N43°E
    (B) N62°E
    (C) N79°E
    (D) N81°E

69. (208) Between two private owners of sequential conveyances, which of the following would most likely control if their deeds contain conflicting elements?
    (A) A call for a distance along a boundary.
    (B) A senior right.
    (C) A call for a direction along a boundary.
    (D) A call for specific acreage.

70. (244) A fundamental concept underlying the design of most vector based GIS is ________.
    (A) Separate storage of spatial and attribute data components.
    (B) The use of relational databases for all data storage.
    (C) The integration of CAD and network databases.
    (D) The use of four number scales for attribute data.

71. (130) Which way of True north is Grid north
    (A) EAST
    (B) WEST
    (D) 180 DEGREES

72. (215) In regards to conflict in a deed who has the final decision of location?
    (A) The court
    (B) A licensed surveyor
    (C) The city engineer
    (D) The government

73. (113) in a court case cited as "112 so. 274" where would you look up the information?
    (A) in the American law report
    (B) in a regional reporter
    (C) in a federal reporter
    (D) in a state statute book

74. (85) assuming a straight segment of road centerline, what is the horizontal distance between a point on the right of way of a road located at station 132+42 with an offset of 24.36 ft right and a point located at station 150.41 with an offset of 48.17 ft left?
    (A) 1799.91
    (B) 1800.09
    (C) 1800.46
    (D) 1802.91

75. (202) When is a deed generally considered to be valid?
    (A) When it is recorded.
    (B) When it is delivered.
    (C) When the grantor and the grantee are present.
    (D) When it is stamped by notary.

76. (64) What is the azimuth and distance (in the same units as the coordinates) between point 1 and point 2 having the following Cartesian coordinates? Point X coordinates Y coordinates 1 5000 5000 2 6247 3797
    (A) 316°01'44" 1732.65
    (B) 316°01'44" 1732.69
    (C) 136°01'44" 1732.73
    (D) 136°01'44" 1732.77

77. (79) From which datum are elevations usually referenced to provided a geodetic benchmark?
    (A) North American datum 1927
    (B) North American datum 1983
    (C) National geodetic vertical datum
    (D) Mean sea level

78. (99) a 1500 foot-long earthen berm has a cross section with an area of 3000 ft sq at one end and 3500 ft sq at the other end, with area increasing at a constant rate, what is the approximate volume of material in the berm?
    (A) 194,144.35 yd cubed
    (B) 194,144.39 yd cubed
    (C) 194,144.40 yd cubed
    (D) 194,144.50 yd cubed

79. (38) The field measurements at the point of beginning on a closed traverse are N 5000.00 and E 8000.00; the calculated coordinates at the same point are N 5000.673 and E 7999.363 what is the linear error of closure of the traverse?
    (A) 0.879
    (B) 0.897
    (C) 0.927
    (D) 0.967

80. (62) In a right triangle with two sides (other then the hypotenuse) of 95 ft and 100 ft what is the smallest angle?
    (A) 46°26'08"
    (B) 43°15'23"
    (C) 43°26'08"
    (D) 46°15'23"

diagram 4.GIF
81. (20) B?C AND A?D ARE PARALLEL What is the distance from D?E ?
    (A) 163.30
    (B) 162.91
    (C) 163.05
    (D) 158.21

diagram 6.GIF
82. (24) What is the station of bldg corner A?
    (A) 10+40.00
    (B) 10+44.69
    (C) 10+44.35
    (D) 10+44.61

diagram 1.GIF
83. (5) What is the area of C E G (known as the segment area) portion?
    (A) 5.1 acres
    (B) 5.3 acres
    (C) 5.2 acres
    (D) 5.4 acres

diagram 4.GIF
84. (17) B?C AND A?D ARE PARALLEL What is the distance from B?C ?
    (A) 200.00
    (B) 210.00
    (C) 205.69
    (D) 205.89

diagram 7.GIF
85. (26) A?D is East If A has coordinates N 5000 E 5000 and A?D is Due East, What is the intersecting coordinates?
    (A) N 6538.49 E 7367.73
    (B) N 6537.89 E 7368.27
    (C) N 6358.49 E 7368.27
    (D) N 6357.89 E 7367.37

Correct Answers

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85,


1. (541) in a super elevated curve of more then 1° of curve, what is the usual treatment of the crown of the pavement around it?
Answer: (C) the crown is gradually changed from a convex crown to a plane inclined surface in the middle of the curve

2. (471) a surveyor staking a circular are 60 ft long finds that the plans show the curve has a degree of curve of two. The surveyor is about to calculate the length of the radius when the party chief tells him " it is simply 60 times 1 radian." Which of the following relationships correctly describes 1 radian?
Answer: (B) 1 radian = 180°/ ?

3. (472) a property owner over seas gets a hold of a his surveyor with instructions concerning a survey. One of the instructions stated " please be certain that the property has at least 7 hectares." What is a hectare?
Answer: (D) a measure of area

4. (552) which of the following terms describes the third party, if a grantor and grantee are the closing stages of the transfer of real property in which a third party holds a grant that will be delivered only when all the conditions for the transfer are complete?
Answer: (B) an escrow agent

5. (558) a revocable right in real property is known by which of the following?
Answer: (B) a license

6. (611) Which statement describes the best criterion for accepting monuments that are not called for in the description or on the plat?
Answer: (C) an uncalled-for monument set in accordance with an original survey

7. (515) occupying point B at the easterly end of a line AB that bears S62°18'34"E, a deflection angle of 00°05'19" is turned to the left to point C. occupying point C, a deflection angle of 00°00'17" is turned to point D. what is the azimuth from north of line CD?
Answer: (D) 117°36'24"

8. (501) what is the elevation of the PVI, PVT, and the midpoint of the long chord?
Answer: (A) PVI=206.00 ft PVT=197.00 ft Chord midpoint=198.50 ft

9. (507) a surveyor must stake a symmetrical vertical curve where an entering grade of +0.80% meets an existing grade of -0.40% at station 140+00, which has an elevation of 500.00 ft, the maximum allowable change in grade per 50.00 ft is -0.10%. what is the elevation of 142+00 on the vertical curve?
Answer: (D) 499.10 ft

10. (475) while preparing a PPM (parts per million) on a EDM, you discover that the only chart available is calibrated in degrees Celsius. The thermometer indicates 72° Fahrenheit. What is the corresponding temperature in degrees Celsius?
Answer: (D) 22.2° C

11. (539) A cross-pan drainage structure is to be built on the roadway that follows the asymmetrical vertical curve illustrated. At what station should the pan be constructed?
Answer: (C) 148+89.67

12. (532) The curve shown is the southerly limit of a proposed right-of-way. The encroachment of the curve onto lot 10 is not acceptable, so the curve must be realigned, a compound curve will be constructed, both curves will be tangent to the northern boundary of lot 10. the first curve of the compound curve will begin at point 1, and point 3 will be its PI. What will be the radius of the first curve of the compound curve?
Answer: (B) 31.00 ft

13. (528) The distance labeled 4 in the diagram is known by which of the following?
Answer: (D) Both a and b

14. (608) How should the NW corner of lot 3 of Bueche's Addition be relocated?
Answer: (A) at a proportioned distance on the line described by the iron pipe at the NE corner and the iron pipe at the NW corner of lot 1

15. (477) what is the sum of the following fractions of an inch? 1/8 in, 1/32 in, 15/32in, 3/4in, 3/16in
Answer: (D) 1 9/16 in

16. (605) what is the term used to describe a monument that sometimes cannot be considered proved or disproved which in such circumstances a monument may be accepted by reputation?
Answer: (B) a monument of common report

17. (545) a spiral curve is best described by which as used in surveying?
Answer: (D) a spiral curve is a curve with a uniformly varying radius

18. (599) in which of the following situations may a licensed surveyor find such authority useful that a licensed surveyor may take testimony?
Answer: (D) all the above

19. (551) Assume that the degree of curve of the circular portion of the arc is 8° and the length of the spiral curve is 583.54 ft. under these condition, what is the spiral angle 17?
Answer: (D) 23°20'30"

20. (559) under which federal document does the state become the proprietor when the owner passes away without a will or a heir?
Answer: (A) escheat

21. (478) which of the two quadrants does cosine and secant are both positive?
Answer: (C) the first and forth quadrant

22. (542) the meaning friction factor as used in the design of super elevated curves can best be described by which statement?
Answer: (C) the friction factor is a variable used to reduce the super elevation of a curve to prevent a vehicle traveling around the curve from skidding inward.

23. (597) how long must a given station be monitored, to accurately determine high tide?
Answer: (B) 19 years

24. (342) Which of the following map projections is used as the basis of state plane coordinate systems in the US?
Answer: (C) Transverse mercator projection

25. (413) All deeds should be
Answer: (A) Recorded

26. (345) Monuments called for in a deed yield to?
Answer: (A) Possession

27. (380) Which of the following would best be described as cumulative zoning ?
Answer: (C) zoning with areas restricted to one use type plus any less intense use

28. (399) A fundamental concept underlying the design of most vector based GIS is ________.
Answer: (A) Separate storage of spatial and attribute data components.

29. (444) Which of the following is a GIS produced map of topography involving a color sequence filling the spaces between contour lines and designed to illustrate variation?
Answer: (B) Hypsometric map

30. (360) If actual damage to a property is anticipated what should be done before entering the property to perform a land survey of any property?
Answer: (D) Get written consent from the homeowner prior to entering the property.

31. (369) The figure of the earth as a sea level surface perpendicular at every point to the plumb line is known as the?
Answer: (D) Geoid

32. (368) In order to achieve the best possible horizontal accuracy, which of the following would be the most important with regard to the electronic distance measuring device used?
Answer: (A) Know the exact atmospheric temperature and pressure.

33. (448) On a topographic map which of the following is correct
Answer: (A) Contour lines crossing streams form V.s that point upstream

34. (335) A description of land by the consecutive reference to courses and distances around its perimeter is _____________.
Answer: (D) A metes and bounds description.

35. (365) How many miles square in a typical Quadrangle?
Answer: (B) 24

36. (339) What sort of shutter is used on most aerial cameras?
Answer: (A) Between the lens shutter

37. (373) Accuracy is most closely associated with?
Answer: (D) how close a measurement is to the true value

38. (432) a state plane coordinate system differs from local plane systems in that:
Answer: (C) Distances are projected onto developable surfaces, such as cones and cylinders, rather than planes.

39. (334) What type of curve is used in conjunction with superelevation and high speed highway work?
Answer: (D) Transitional spiral curve

40. (347) What is the meaning of the word epoch as it applies to GPS?
Answer: (C) An interval in time.

41. (441) A quitclaim deed does which of the following?
Answer: (B) Passes any title to land that the grantor may have.

42. (389) Which of the following is a requirement for creation of an easement by prescription?
Answer: (D) all the above

43. (460) What is a typical application of reciprocal leveling?
Answer: (C) Transferring elevations across rivers

44. (333) What is superelevation?
Answer: (B) The practice of raising the outer edge of pavement.

45. (319) To accurately determine mean high tide, how long must a given station be monitored?
Answer: (B) 19 years

46. (461) Which of the following is a method of minimizing error due to imperfect adjustment of a level?
Answer: (D) Balancing sight lengths

47. (293) a township is how many square miles?
Answer: (D) 36

48. (280) Given the following information what is the low point station of the vertical curve. G1 -2.0,G2 5.0, Beg Station 12+00, Beg El 259.63, VC length 650.00
Answer: (D) 13+85.71

49. (288) 20º Celsius is equal to what?
Answer: (A) 68º Fahrenheit

50. (263) If vertical photography is taken at a negative scale of 1:15,000, what would most nearly be the expected measurement on the photograph between to adjacent section corners?
Answer: (D) 4.2 in

51. (261) With a zenith angle of 96º37'25" what is the difference in elevation assuming both instrument and rod are the same Height at a distance of 87.39 feet.
Answer: (A) 10.15

52. (267) Write this equation "three times a number, plus the number cubed, minus the number multiplied by 97. Let b stand for the number referred to.
Answer: (D) (3x b) + b³-( 97 x b )

53. (54) The azimuth from a point to a reference mark is 95°33'10" as measured from astronomic north. If the La Place convergence is disregarded and the convergence is +0°26'42", what is the state plane coordinate grid azimuth to the reference mark?
Answer: (A) 95°06'28"

54. (224) A vertical line is one that is?
Answer: (B) Perpendicular to the direction of gravity at any point

55. (98) what is the grade of a section of highway that has a centerline elevation of 347.50 at station 45+40.00 and a centerline elevation 489.20 ft at a station of 63+87.40?
Answer: (B) 7.67

56. (177) The surveyor can play what roles in the law
Answer: (D) All the above

57. (234) The perimeter of a circle is 110 ft. You plan to put a fence around this circle with posts that are ten feet apart. How many fence posts are needed to complete this task
Answer: (D) 10

58. (183) Which of the following best describes reference monument?
Answer: (C) An accessory used where the permanent monument cannot be established

59. (103) which of the following calls would have the lowest priority in the event of a conflict in a deed description?
Answer: (B) call for distance

60. (146) ) If vertical photography is taken at a negative scale of 1:15,000, what would most nearly be the expected measurement on the photograph between to adjacent section corners?
Answer: (D) 4.2 in

61. (148) Within a subdivision, which should prevail in determining current boundary lines?
Answer: (D) intent of the subdivider

62. (40) Which of the following lengths is equivalent to half a chain?
Answer: (C) 50 links

63. (207) Which of the following best describes the deepest or most navigable part of a river channel?
Answer: (A) The thalweg

64. (229) In what order should the following list appear for describing a piece of land. a) Lot or Parcel b) Block c) Tract d) City e) County or Parish f) State g) Map Recorded ( Book and Page) h) Public Office
Answer: (A) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h

65. (151) In GPS what does RMS stand for?
Answer: (A) root mean square

66. (37) Which best describes an area of 1 AC?
Answer: (B) A rectangle 2 CH by 5CH

67. (247) Which of the following agencies would be the most appropriate source for maps identifying areas with 100 year flood zones?
Answer: (D) FEMA

68. (57) If the bearing of a tangent entering a highway curve to the right is N62°E and the interior angle of the curve is 19° what is the bearing of the tangent out of the curve?
Answer: (D) N81°E

69. (208) Between two private owners of sequential conveyances, which of the following would most likely control if their deeds contain conflicting elements?
Answer: (B) A senior right.

70. (244) A fundamental concept underlying the design of most vector based GIS is ________.
Answer: (A) Separate storage of spatial and attribute data components.

71. (130) Which way of True north is Grid north
Answer: (B) WEST

72. (215) In regards to conflict in a deed who has the final decision of location?
Answer: (A) The court

73. (113) in a court case cited as "112 so. 274" where would you look up the information?
Answer: (B) in a regional reporter

74. (85) assuming a straight segment of road centerline, what is the horizontal distance between a point on the right of way of a road located at station 132+42 with an offset of 24.36 ft right and a point located at station 150.41 with an offset of 48.17 ft left?
Answer: (C) 1800.46

75. (202) When is a deed generally considered to be valid?
Answer: (B) When it is delivered.

76. (64) What is the azimuth and distance (in the same units as the coordinates) between point 1 and point 2 having the following Cartesian coordinates? Point X coordinates Y coordinates 1 5000 5000 2 6247 3797
Answer: (B) 316°01'44" 1732.69

77. (79) From which datum are elevations usually referenced to provided a geodetic benchmark?
Answer: (C) National geodetic vertical datum

78. (99) a 1500 foot-long earthen berm has a cross section with an area of 3000 ft sq at one end and 3500 ft sq at the other end, with area increasing at a constant rate, what is the approximate volume of material in the berm?
Answer: (C) 194,144.40 yd cubed

79. (38) The field measurements at the point of beginning on a closed traverse are N 5000.00 and E 8000.00; the calculated coordinates at the same point are N 5000.673 and E 7999.363 what is the linear error of closure of the traverse?
Answer: (C) 0.927

80. (62) In a right triangle with two sides (other then the hypotenuse) of 95 ft and 100 ft what is the smallest angle?
Answer: (B) 43°15'23"

81. (20) B?C AND A?D ARE PARALLEL What is the distance from D?E ?
Answer: (A) 163.30

82. (24) What is the station of bldg corner A?
Answer: (B) 10+44.69

83. (5) What is the area of C E G (known as the segment area) portion?
Answer: (D) 5.4 acres

84. (17) B?C AND A?D ARE PARALLEL What is the distance from B?C ?
Answer: (A) 200.00

85. (26) A?D is East If A has coordinates N 5000 E 5000 and A?D is Due East, What is the intersecting coordinates?
Answer: (A) N 6538.49 E 7367.73

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